Eight men and women, their voices silenced long ago, will return to tell their stories at the Fourth Annual Living History Cemetery Tour Saturday, June 20 at the New Kingston Valley Cemetery, Thomson Hollow Rd., New Kingston.
Rain date is June 21. Reservations are required by June 18. Group tours begin every 20 minutes starting at 4 p.m.
Tickets will be available beginning this weekend for the popular event, sponsored by the Historical Society of the Town of Middletown (HSM). Those attending HSM’s first program of the season, “Objects and Memory” on May 30 at 3:30 p.m. at 778 Cemetery Rd., Margaretville will have the first opportunity to sign up for a tour time at a discounted rate — $12.
After May 30, reservations can be made by phone only and will cost $15: 845-586-4736. (Well behaved children under 15 are free.)
The tour combines history, theater and an authentic taste of Catskill Mountain culture. Groups will be guided through the cemetery to meet interesting folks from the past, portrayed by local residents. Previous tours have been held at Margaretville, Clovesville and Sanford Cemeteries.