Mix a sunny autumn day, a beautifully prepared meal served on fine china, an awesome art exhibit and 35 local history lovers and you have the ingredients for a wonderful event. It was indeed a great day October 23 when the Historical Society held its seventh annual meeting at the Halcottsville Grange Hall, hosted by the Halcottsville Fire Department Auxiliary. The women of the Auxiliary outdid themselves with the food, the decorations and the table settings and HSM is so grateful! Thank you, friends!
Everyone loved Michael Musante’s “Middletown: Time and Time Again” exhibit of 15 digital collages, blending historic photos with contemporary views from the same perspective. (See photos on the Events and News pages.) The show will be hung at Fairview Library, Margaretville soon and can be seen there through the end of November.

New HSM board member Roger Davis with artist Michael Musante
In HSM Board elections, Roger Davis of Arkville was elected as a trustee, and George Hendricks was re-elected. Officers who were re-elected include Diane Galusha, Carolyn Konheim and Marilyn Pitetti. Lucci Kelly is the newly elected Secretary.
HSM recognized two outgoing Board members – Fran Faulkner and Andy VanBenschoten – for their service and support over many years. It also presented certificates of appreciation to some outstanding Friends of Middletown Cemeteries – Barb and Gary Atkin, Brian Wheaton and George Hendricks.
The big announcement of the day was the news that the New Kingston Valley Grange has offered its property on Cemetery Road to HSM. The Society’s Board has accepted, feeling that this former Izaack Walton League clubhouse and seven acres will be an ideal home of our own. A straw poll at the Annual Meeting found unanimous agreement among members in attendance. A letter will be sent to the entire membership for a formal vote. Details will follow here when the results of that vote are tabulated.