New Kingston is the big winner when it comes to the number of barns — 32 — still standing in the Town of Middletown. Mind you, they’re not all big dairy barns, but even the smallest horse, chicken and storage barns had important roles on the farm. So many of them have been included in the Historical Society’s Barn Survey, to be unveiled at the Cauliflower Festival Sept. 29. 

We found 30 barns in the Denver-Redkill area (ok, some aren’t exactly in pristine conditon, but hey, they’re standing.) There are 26 in Dry Brook (24 of them are actually in the Town of Hardenburgh). 31 barns are in the Fleischmanns area, 24 in Halcottsville/Hubbell Hill, 11 in Millbrook/Huckelberry Brook, 11 in Bull Run/Dunraven and 9 in Halcott.

A surprise was the 20 barns found in the Village of Margaretville, many of them tucked away in backyards and all but invisible from the street.

Come to the festival and tell us about your barn– if you don’t have one, come learn all about the buildings that make farmers nostalgic and artists happy and that make the Catskills so special.

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