The restoration of the Arkville Cemetery resumed August 2 when two Hubbell Inc. crew members, John Ferraro (in cab) and Scott Gray (standing), along with Joe McKeon (left), and Brian Wheaton (on ground) righted seven large monuments and cemented them to their bases. The project, coordinated by the Friends of Middletown Cemetery, is funded by a member item from Assemblyman Clifford Crouch.

Additional work days will be scheduled. If you would like to help, call Brian, 586-2294.

Headstones of the Hull family – Jeremiah (d. 1878), Achsa (d. 1893) and Elijah (d. 1915) – are once again upright following recent restoration work at the Arkville Cemetery.

The three-piece monument to Jacob Lockwood, who died in 1880, age 64, was a challenge to put back together, but is now standing tall.

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