MEMORANDUM OF CONTRACT between Jesse Tompkins and A. Clark and Son in which said Tompkins agrees to peel from four to six hundred cords of hemlock tan bark on such places on Mill Brook as A. Clark and Son may direct. The Bark is to be peeled, piled and saved in a good and workmanlike manner and good and convenient roads made to draw said bark with a wagon. . . This contract (to be) completed before the first day of October next.
Said Clark and Son agree to give said Tompkins ten shillings per cord for peeling, piling and making roads to said bark as above mentioned.
A. Clark & Sons
Jesse Tompkins
April 27, 1852
This hand written contract is among materials found many years ago in a building, now gone, that was once the Clark’s Factory store. The papers are in the collection of John McMurray.