Old News


HSM elects trustees, hears annual report

HSM elects trustees, hears annual report

The Historical Society of the Town of Middletown (HSM) held its annual meeting of members and friends November 2, when Gary Smith was re-elected to the Board and Iris Mead was voted in as a new trustee.

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Milk strike exhibit at Cauliflower Festival

Milk strike exhibit at Cauliflower Festival

MARGARETVILLE – The turbulent 1930s will be recalled at the Cauliflower Festival September 21 with a display about recurring milk strikes in the History Tent of the Historical Society of the Town of Middletown.

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HSM to open Middletown History Center

HSM to open Middletown History Center

The Historical Society of the Town of Middletown will hold an Open House at the new Middletown History Center, 778 Cemetery Road, Margaretville, on Sunday, June 9 from 2 to 4 p.m.

The celebration will begin with a 2 p.m. ribbon cutting on the doorstep of the expanded facility which includes an archives and reading room named for HSM benefactor Nicholas J. Juried.

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Volunteers needed to help move archives

Volunteers are needed on Saturday, April 13 to help load and unload boxes of historic materials and artifacts from temporary storage at Fairview Public Library to HSM’s new archives space at the HSM hall on Cemetery Road, Margaretville.

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1968 Catskill Mountain News posted online

The Historical Society of the Town of Middletown has filled a hole in the online roster of the Catskill Mountain News.

Nearly the entire 1968 run of the News has been added to the New York State Historic Newspapers website, created and administered by the Northern New York Library Network in partnership with the Empire State Library Network.

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HSM Offers Headstone Cleaning

HSM Offers Headstone Cleaning

Memorial Day is right around the corner and the Historical Society of the Town of Middletown wants to help you pay tribute to your loved ones by offering a unique headstone cleaning service.

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More local newspapers posted online

More local newspapers posted online

More than half a century of the Roxbury Times and 12 more years of the Catskill Mountain News have been added to the New York State Historic Newspapers website, created and administered by the Northern New York Library Network in partnership with the Empire State Library Network.

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HSM wraps up busy year with some old fashioned music

MARGARETVILLE – The Historical Society of the Town of Middletown concluded its programming season November 4 with a musical tribute to a home-town composer from the turn of the last century. Following its annual meeting and luncheon, held at the Catskill Watershed...

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Vintage Waltz To Be Played at HSM annual meeting Nov. 4

The annual meeting of Historical Society of Middletown members and friends will be held Saturday, Nov. 4 at noon at the Catskill Watershed Corp. on County Road 38 (Arkville cut-off road). PLEASE NOTE CHANGE OF VENUE – the event will NOT be held at the Margaretville...

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HSM holds Oct. 21 Program on Deciphering Surveys and Deeds

HSM holds Oct. 21 Program on Deciphering Surveys and Deeds

ARKVILLE – Rick Brooks, a long-time surveyor and historian of his trade, will present “The Hardenburgh Patent, A Surveyor’s Journey” Saturday, Oct. 21 at 3 p.m. in the Catskill Watershed Corp.’s auditorium on County Rte. 38 (Arkville cut-off road). Admission to the...

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Cauliflower Festival is Sept. 23

Cauliflower Festival is Sept. 23

Margaretville’s annual celebration of agriculture and rural life takes place Sat., Sept. 23 when the 19th Cauliflower Festival enlivens the Village Park with food, music, farm products and fun for all ages – including the first-ever Festival Cornhole Tournament! A...

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Great Middletown fires topic of illustrated talk

Great Middletown fires topic of illustrated talk

ARKVILLE – Fires that transformed the business districts of Margaretville, Arkville and Fleischmanns, and laid waste barns, hotels and other structures in the countryside, will be the subject of a slide presentation by local historians Diane Galusha and John Duda...

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Cemetery Tour: Turning Lemons Into Lemonade

Cemetery Tour: Turning Lemons Into Lemonade

MARGARETVILLE – Our 10th Living History Cemetery Tour was an example of making lemonade from lemons, or in this case creating a special theatrical experience despite a weekend of wet weather. The June 17 tour was moved from Margaretville Cemetery to the comfort of the...

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