Looking for relatives or historical information from the Towns of Denning (Ulster County) or Neversink (Sullivan County)? How about the South Kortright-Stamford area?
You may find what you’re looking for at a new history center in Grahamsville, or onlin, in a beautiful 19th-century photo album.
The new Inez George Gridley and Richard George-Murray Local History Research Center in Grahamsville is located in Time and the Valleys Museum, part of the Daniel Pierce Library complex that opened this past summer.
The center focuses on materials from the towns lost to the Rondout and Neversink Reservoirs, and also contains items about other parts of Sullivan County, as well as the construction of the New York City Water System.
Winter hours of the Center are Saturday, noon to 4 p.m., and by appointment on Thursday afternoons. Contact Carol Smythe, Neversink Town Historian, at historian@townofneversink.org; 845-985-2262, ext. 313. Call ahead for directions and to determine whether the Big Indian-Oliverea Road is open.
Another interesting source is a website featuring a photograph album compiled by Hannah Rich of South Kortright (born in 1838). It includes photos of many people from the Stamford-South Kortright-Bloomville area. Thanks to Carolyn Flanders McPherson who sent us this link: http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~sunnyann/richalbum-00.html