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Good Friends, Good Music
Our 6th Annual Meeting October 23 was a great time to renew acquaintances, meet some new folks and enjoy a program by folksinger Linda Russell who performed campaign music from the past on guitar, and lap and hammered dulcimers. Some might remember Linda as the “star” of “Touch the Nearest Star,” the 1980s musical about the life of Roxbury-born naturalist John Burroughs.
These days she travels all over the Northeast performing 19th century tunes about New York State history, women’s work and rights, and of course electioneering music before the age of radio, TV, and U-Tube. Fifty people heard her perform for us at LaCabana Restaurant in Fleischmanns. If you couldn’t attend to renew your HSM membership for 2010-11 in person, please download our membership form, and send in your dues today to make sure you continue to receive The Bridge newsletter, and the benefit of free program admission in the coming year.
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