
Friends of Middletown Cemeteries, an informal group of volunteers, has worked on headstone inventory and clean-up projects all over town. They love old burial grounds for the history, beauty and serenity that they contain and feel a sense of obligation to preserve these hallowed sites.
Among the cemeteries where monument inscriptions have been copied and posted online are Margaretville (original and Annex), Kelly Corners (Eureka), Sanford (Dunraven), Clovesville, Halcottsville and New Kingston. See Middletown cemetery inventories here.
Our biggest project was the restoration of the Arkville Cemetery on County Route 36. This cemetery contains approximately 300 graves dating back to 1816. Using a State grant awarded to the Town of Middletown and obtained by Assemblyman Clifford Crouch, more than 50 stones on this terraced hillside were repaired, righted and/or mortared into new or repaired bases. Volunteers donated many hours of labor on this project between 2010 and 2012.
A self-driving tour of nine cemeteries was produced in 2017.
Download the brochure and learn about some of the intriguing stories to be found in these beautiful places.

HSM has become known for its signature event, the Living History Cemetery Tour, held each June at a local cemetery.
The event introduces tour goers to several resident spirits who tell about their lives, joys, accomplishments and losses. Hundreds of people have found a new appreciation for local history and their place in the continuum through this memorable event.

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Rudd Hubbell (in cab), Bob Hubbell, Joe McKeon, Brian Wheaton, right the Hoffman family monument in Arkville Cemetary
Joanie Merwin, Tina Greene, Barb Atkin record inscriptions at Clovesville Cemetery
Marge Hellenchild as Mabel Fenton, 2021 Cemetery Tour, Margaretville
Marge Hellenchild as Mabel Fenton, 2021 Cemetery Tour, Margaretville