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Grangers from Harpersfield explain how degrees are bestowed. From left Betty Ogborn, Dave Ogborn, Doris Bedford Thayer
Georgia Taylor, Fred Lanzi, Linda Ploutz, Barb Condon, Norma Condon King remember New Kingston Valley Grange
“The Grange, Revisited,” a talk on the history, organization and activities of the ‘Patrons of Husbandry’ will be presented at the Historical Society of the Town of Middletown hall, 778 Cemetery Road, Margaretville on Friday, Aug. 23 from 5 to 7 p.m.
A simple supper of soup and home-made bread will follow the talk by Amy Taylor, a member of a long-time Grange family and secretary of the HSM Executive Committee.
Admission is by donation.
Former Grangers are invited to attend and share memories and photos of their time in local Granges (Greene Valley Grange in Halcott; Wawaka Grange in Halcottsville, New Kingston Valley Grange and others.) Artifacts and implements from local Granges will be displayed.
The Grange, founded in 1867 and officially referred to as The National Grange of the Order of Patrons of Husbandry, is a nonprofit, nonpartisan, fraternal organization that advocates for rural America and agriculture. In the 19th and early 20th centuries it debated, and strongly influenced, state legislatures and agencies on topics of interest to farmers. The Grange was also a social organization, hosting dances, dinners and holiday celebrations, as well as talks and workshops on agricultural crops and practices.
Amy Taylor will explain the social and political climate of the country as the Grange came to be and the impacts the Grange had on the nation. She will offer a glimpse into meetings and the rolls of the various offices, and then open it up to folks in the audience to share their experiences in the Grange.
For more information on this and other upcoming programs, visit where you can become a member of HSM and/or donate to the Campaign for a Middletown History Center.