The Historical Society of the Town of Middletown is searching for photographs, historical information and personal stories to add to its archives and to use in upcoming programs and exhibits.

Of particular interest this year are materials and memories pertaining to one-room schools in Middletown and vicinity; personal stories and artifacts related to the Grange; and images and accounts from local men and women who experienced the Sixties, and in particular 1969.

HSM would like to hear from elders who attended one- or two-room schools in this area through the 1940s. This is part of a year-long research project to document schoolhouse sites (there were as many as 26 school districts in Middletown in the mid-1800s) and to collect photographs, school records and school souvenirs. Interviews with long-ago students can be set up at their convenience. Call Barbara Moses, 586-3630.

The Grange (“Patrons of Husbandry”) was a large and influential organization for a century when farming was dominant in the Catskill region. There were several local Granges in the Middletown area advocating for rural and agricultural interests and serving as a social focal point for the community. Former Grange members and others with stories, photographs and memorabilia they’d like to share for a 2019 program and display about the Grange and its activities are encouraged to contact Amy Taylor at 586-1320.

It’s been half a century since the tumultuous year of 1969. HSM plans a display at its hall about how Middletown looked and felt that year, from school activities and businesses, to reverberations from Vietnam, national upheaval and the Woodstock Festival. Please contact Diane Galusha, 586-4973, if you have images or memories to contribute to this project.

Contact HSM at to contribute to or participate in these projects. Visit to become a member and/or donate to the Campaign for a Middletown History Center.